
Niftis is a post that highlights neat, interesting, fun, and techie items/stuff that I've found or created.

First up is an artist by the name of Louie Mantia. His website,, shows off some of his work, including all his sweet wallpapers. He is a pretty big fan of LEGOs and geeky stuff, so there's something for everyone. I like the S.H.I.E.L.D. one, particularly because my computer looks awesome when it wakes up.
Speaking of wallpapers, I recently found myself in a pretty and tropical/Christmasy area, so I figured I could take some pictures that would make some nice wallpapers. If southern tropical market streets and Christmas lights-laced palm trees are your thing, here you go.
This is already a pretty well-known website, but it's still a fantastic tool., which stands for If This Then That, is all in the name. Using "channels," which range from Blogger to Facebook to Dropbox to an RSS feed to the time of day or even the weather, certain events can be set up. For example, every time I post a new blog, an automated post is sent to my Facebook and Twitter accounts. Other popular "recipes" including getting emails when a new channel is added to IFTTT, getting a text if its forecasted to rain tomorrow, and taking pictures you're tagged in on Facebook and saving them to Dropbox. There's absolutely tons of very cool and useful possibilities.

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