Google Music Beta is alpha on my netbook

Ever heard of Google Music Beta? Well, it's a music service by Google that's in beta. Pretty simple. You can upload up to 20,000 songs from your computer for free and then play them on any other Internet browser. I find it pretty cool. So cool, in fact, that Music Beta has replaced my other casual music players on my netbook. The reason? Believe it or not, one tab in Chrome takes up less computer resources than a full-blown music player like Windows Media Player, Quick Time, or iTunes. And, on a netbook, you need all the RAM and CPU power you can get. So, it works out well. I've used Chrome's "Create application" feature to make Music Beta a stand-alone "app" of sorts. I do have a few invites to Music Beta, so if you can figure out to contact me and ask, I might just give a few away. I say it's a very useful service. It is beta, so there are some bugs, but they can all be fixed or worked around.

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